Academic Competitions » Academic Decathlon

Academic Decathlon

Human & Technology
Academic Decathlon is an educational competition for high school students from various academic achievement levels to demonstrate their knowledge, and proficiency of a specific theme. Each year, the United States Academic Decathlon chooses a new theme, with this year's theme being Technology and Humanity.
Since its inception, Academic Decathlon has provided students the opportunity to experience challenging and rigorous team and individual competitions. Students match wits in several individual and team competitions, culminating in an exciting Super Quiz oral relay, that is open to the public. 
Dr. Neena Agnihotri has been an Educator for 20+ years. Her work in LAUSD included Science Teacher, Counselor, Teacher Adviser, and Administrator. She has completed graduate programs and credentials in Biological Sciences, Education, and Counseling and Psychology. Her doctoral degree is in Educational Leadership and Policy studies. She has been recognized and published for her work with College Access for First generation students of color in LAUSD. She is committed to her work with students and staff in LAUSD and is passionate about providing equity and access to all students. Through Beyond the Bell, she continues to provide opportunities for students to excel at learning and engaging in Academic Decathlon and Pentathlon competitions, so they are READY for the world.
  • Pillar 1: Academic Excellence
    • Priority 1A: High Quality Instruction
    • Priority 1B: Enriching Experiences
    • Priority 1D: College and Career Readiness
  • Pillar 2: Joy and Wellness
    • Priority 2A: Welcoming Learning Environments
    • Priority 2C: Strong Social-Emotional Skills

It is never too early to enter the 2023-2024 Academic Decathlon as the Interest to Participate form is now available for schools to join next year’s competition.This year’s topic was announced as Technology & Humanity. Signing up early allows schools to plan ahead their budgeting for instructional materials and staffing, recruit students and coaches, as well as determine meeting times.


For students and parents who would like to sign up for the Academic Decathlon team at your school, please fill out the Student Sign-up Form.